Photograph of my mother and I on the Durban beachfront circa 1958


I was born in South Africa to a mother who snubbed her nose at social convention. A member of the Communist Party until it was banned, my mother became one of the founding members of Scientology in South Africa when it could best be described as a fledgling organisation of beatniks trying to chart a different path.

I was born into Scientology and was one the first generation of kids to be raised in Scientology doctrine even though I did put up a hell of a fight. This story is about the journey and what it took to get from where I was, to where I am today.

I have chosen not to go the publishing route simply because my attempts so far have proved fruitless. Publishers are afraid of being sued. I have chosen instead to go it alone on the other side of the tracks, a place Iā€™m intimately acquainted with.

I will be releasing the story in chapters. If you wish to receive updates on new chapters as they are released, please subscribe through my contact page.

This story is as true as I remember it.